COVID-19 Vaccination

COVID-19 vaccination mapping exercise

Aligning data collection protocols as early as possible has proven to facilitate collaborative research.

We have recently performed a mapping exercise of COVID-19 vaccines protocols to support alignment in updating COVID-19 in MS surveys and data collections and to facilitate collaborative research between initiatives.

The mapping exercise is a read up on current initiatives (not-MS specific) and already existing data dictionaries for MS registers/cohorts containing questions towards COVID-19 vaccination to get an overview of collected variables.

The findings are available as a slide deck – most recent version of the slide deck: v2.0 (06 May 2021) – , which is solely descriptive and aims to serve as an initial summary for everyone who wants to start collecting data on COVID-19 vaccination, mainly in people with MS. We aim to provide regular updates when appropriate and we welcome additional information/comments and suggestions.

Don’t hesitate to reach out to Tina Parciak for more information (

Recommended minimal dataset on COVID-19 vaccination

Here you can find the recommended minimal dataset on COVID-19 vaccination, which is a list of variables that has been composed based on the COVID-19 vaccination mapping exercise, discussions with experts, and feedback of data partners of the Global Data Sharing Initiative (GDSI).

Individual data sources can voluntarily start incorporating these variables in order that collection of COVID-19 vaccination variables is more or less standardized. This offers future opportunities when data custodians of MS registries and cohorts would be interested in solving research questions related to COVID-19 vaccination in people with MS. Aligning data collection protocols as early as possible has proven to facilitate collaborative research.